Sunday 18 September 2011

No art! x(

Hello mah bitches
today I look at the wall and saw this... (Click to Enlarge)
An empty wall! -Gasp- so what I want you to do is fill it with your best art , winners will get an item out of there choice but no ultra rare ones. or they have the choice of 10000 - 4000 bugs depending what place you come in. Kamek has agreed to give out the prize's , Good luck

Thursday 15 September 2011

Hawt and dangerous... NOOBS?!

Wazzup guyz , I was trolling along cafe st as you do then when I came back from facebook I saw.. well here , the pictures say it all...

(click to enlarge)
Sexy right? :L I got bored so I joined in... then sadly they left , there always my lovers! ;(

Tuesday 13 September 2011


Waddup my bubber buts and gutter sluts , this is like my new blog , my shag pad , my home , my bin bag :') yadayadayada you know the whole "Welcome to my blog" noob shit. Lets get to the point. This blog is about gossip , exploiting noobs and just having fun , comment your thought's or noobs I should expose. I don't know, if you have gossip , COMMENT IT and tell me the story somewhere on cho with proof's , yanno the legit shit. Well that's about it , Let the blog begin , Oh and by the way , there's my chobot down there or at the side on mah sexy tracker
-Peace bitches